A Public Meeting was held in St. Joseph's Resource Centre, Abbeytown last night with an agenda to discuss the future of the building. Members of the public and local politicians attended as well as Boyle groups to air views and ideas.
• This initial meeting was chaired jointly by Town Cllr Frank Geelan and Mayor Jane Suffin. It was established that Roscommon Co Council own the building.
• Roscommon Co Cllr John Cummins said he spoke with Co Manager Frank Dawson earlier in the day who told him the Council did not have funds to do anything with the building but would be delighted to give technical assistance to a Boyle committee prepared to manage future use of this historic building.
• A committee was formed that will shortly seek to arrange talks with the Co. Manager, Heritage Officer and others to find out what may or may not be done with the building. From ideas suggested last night and others that may come forward, costings will be established, funding will be sought and the building opened with a new agenda for the benefit of the area.
• Committee: Frank Geelan, John Cummins, Tish Golden, Darragh O'Callaghan, Irene Madden, Cecil Draper, Sheila Tipper, rep from Chamber of Commerce to be announced.